Build Process

This is an FYI about how we build your site to get you started.

Entry Level : Normally live the same day.

Standard Level : Usually same day once we have the slightly more detailed info.

Boss Level : Usually done on an agreed day – so we can take you through the editing/uploading process over the phone with 1-2-1 training.

ALL are the same price.

We expect most people to start by letting us have ENTRY Level info, then, usually a few days or weeks later, STANDARD Level, which we then include, and, if they need Boss Level, that a little later.

What We (or you) Need

Entry Level :

One photo to be the header (so, landscape format)

We then just use your Twitter to put a basic page together.

TBH we suggest you let us do this, even if you want to do everything else, it gives you a basic site you can understand and work with.

We can update as you need things changed.

Standard Level : Your personal, but SW friendly, and with a bit more info

We do the build if you provide the info.

Your socials and your platforms.

A few words in a DM about what you want the site to do, “content sales” or “escorting and parties mainly, content second”.

A few more landscape photos to turn the Header into a slide show.

We can update for you as things change.

Boss Level : Your content for sale, tours schedules etc.

This is when you want a site that you keep up to date – new tour dates, new scenes etc. We will build the initial but you will need to do the updating as you need. But we do show you how*.

A Schedule page for tours/parties if you do them. We can set it up with initial dates but you will have to update it.

A Post Per Scene so you display all your content and point people to where they can buy it, or how to buy direct. Sample image, trailer etc. And then have it display like on or . I have a long list of scenes because my focus is to show that there are LOTS of scenes so people buy the biggest packages.

*If you really want to “can I just send you changes and let you do it”, yes. Extra £100pa for a typical “few edits a month”.

Final Boss Level : Complete Bespoke Designed Site

It’s 2028 and you now want an all singing all dancing site with an ecommerce workflow that includes selling content for bitcoin and gifts and booking forms the whole thing is automated and you also want your own complete redesign by your local hotshot designer. Or you, having done a course.

You can build it in your space here.

You can give your web designer your admin access and they can do it.

Or you can take your site from here and install it elsewhere. (Backup and Migrate process).